Category Archives: Astronomy

Best Planetary Imaging Software 2023

High-quality planetary imaging is an exciting challenge in the field of astrophotography. There is a wealth of tools out there made expressly for collecting and analysing planetary data that can help in this quest. Here, we’ll take a look at the top software programmes for planetary exploration, breaking them down into two categories: acquisition and […]

Students Measured Comet Distance with Indian & European Observatory

Vikrant K Agnihotri

European Students measure Comet 46P/Wirtanen Distance using Parallax method with collaboration of an Indian and European Observatories.   Comet (Dhoomketu) – an icy, gaseous celestial bodies hiking around our solar system have always created unexpected curiosity in the minds of earthly people since ancient times. Some have inspired, some have feared and some got dazzled […]

Astronomical Brackets Made In India – VORION SCIENTIFIC

astro brackets

Vorion Scientific Astro Brackets | Telescope Accessories Many times, after obtaining a new APO, NEW refractor, RC, guide scope, or camera, we get confused when we notice the many brackets one needs to acquire in order to utilise the new items on top of our previous astronomical purchases. This is because different brackets are required […]

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